Tag Archives: Millennials

Dear Student,

Sometimes Advisors Get PRIZES (that they play with to get through Conferences)

So, here we go. A smattering of what I’d like to say to some of my students, but don’t. This could very well be an on-going series. There is never a shortage of material…

Dear Student,

“No” is, in fact, one of my least favorite answers. Yes, I promise. That said, you asking the SAME question three times in a row will not illicit a different response. I’ll just say “No” to you all three times, but I might try different accents.

Dear Student,

Please explain to me how you can be armed with all the information you need to answer those questions and still not be able to think?

Dear Student,

Listen closely. I’m going to open my mouth and sounds are going to come out. Those sounds will form words. Those words will explain our process. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Dear Student,

You are 22 years old. While studies show that you may not be old enough to fully think through the consequences of your actions rationally, you are old enough to e-mail me yourself about your collegiate future. Quit getting Mommy to do it.

Dear Student,

God ❤ ya. You aren’t crying because MGT may fill. You’re crying for other reasons & I can’t help you with those. I wish I could.

Dear Student,

I do not work on Thursday nights at 8 or Saturday mornings at 8. Keep your pants on.

Dear Student,

Yes. I understand I didn’t give you the answer you wanted to hear. How about you try listening to the answer I gave you.

Dear Student,

We speak the same language. I know I speak it better than you, so listen and follow closely. Vapid expressions piss me off…

Dear Parents of Millennials,

College is where your children get to practice being an adult & prepare for life. How about letting them try?