Tag Archives: Musicals

[title of show] at Ghostlight Theatre Club!

Four is apparently my magic number this theatre season in the O to the K to the C.
Fat Pig – 4
Two Rooms – 4
[title of show] – 4
AND… drumroll… I’ve only played one character in EACH SHOW! WHA?? Amazing, I know. AANNDD … … It’s my FIRST Musical in EIGHT YEARS!!! Woot! Break it down now…!
So, I’ve been watching the [title of show] show on YouTube. I know two things: 1) I want to visit NYC and 2) I’m the physical opposite of the real-life person my “character” (Susan) is based on.
She is tall. I am short. She is narrow. I am wide. She is Caucasian. I am Mexican-American.
I’m about as “opposite but in the same arena” as you can get from a person. If we widened the arena to include 87-year-old, short, black men, well then that would probably maximize your polar opposite potential.
Don’t believe me? Take a look:
And now for something TOTALLY different…
But we are both quirky. We are both handsome ladies. I don’t care that much about monkeys but gay men to tend to like me. So, I guess there are parallels.  Of course those parallels look more like this: //
Yes. That was a short joke. Wait for them, they are everywhere in Ghostlight’s [title of show]. Our Hunter? 6’5″.