Tag Archives: [title of show]

A Way Back To Then…

The show is over. It was a great show. And I was fortunate to be a part of it, especially considering how much I sucked at the audition.

In the show, Heidi (Emily’s character) has a song she sings called “A Way Back To Then.” It’s about, in my opinion, those dreams we have about our lives when we’re young that get sidetracked when “life” begins. Then suddenly, something unexpected happens and we’re back.

Emily asked us to write something for the program about our “Way Back To Then” experience. Here’s mine:

Between April 2002 and February 2008, I went through a Theatre Sahara. The girl that had been doing constant theatre since her freshman year in high school did basically nothing for 6 years. Why? Life. I married a military man. We lived in the barren theatre wasteland called San Antonio until we moved to the UK.  I lived close enough to London to see shows, but too far to try and work there.  And when the lights would go down in those West End theatres my heart would flutter with sad excitement.  So excited to see my first love. So sad to be on the wrong side of the curtain.

I know it sounds haughty to consider myself an artist, but I do. Often I wondered if I could still call myself an artist if I wasn’t producing my art. Was I The Cristela, formerly known as artist?

When it was time to move from England, I had only two criteria for where I wanted to live: 1) closer to our families and 2) have some sort of theatre scene. I didn’t really care, so long as I could at least get out there and try to perform again.

Honestly, I was petrified that I was no longer any good. That in those 6 years, any talent I had was gone.  But (and I know this sounds melodramatic) a piece of my soul had been missing those 6 years and I wanted it back. When I saw the posting for Ghostlight’s show All In The Timing, I forced myself out the door, walked in literally off the street without knowing a soul and got cast. It was freaking awesome.

Since then, I’ve been fortunate enough to work in OKC fairly consistently and can say, without hesitation, that I have enjoyed the two most artistically fulfilling years ever.  I’ve played a myriad of characters, from absurd to heart-breaking, produced, delved into new artistic challenges, received kudos from my performances, made great new friends and have been having a damn fine time doing it.

Post Theatre Sahara, for me it is no longer about where you do your art, but that you do your art.  As long as you share your soul, someone will appreciate it. Before coming to OKC, I would have never realized what a thriving artistic community is here – and it grows everyday.  It grows, because you come and support it. The artist thanks you.

[title of show] at Ghostlight Theatre Club. Photo by Victoria Stahl.

Clockwise: Christopher Robinson as Hunter, Scott Hynes as Jeff,
Cristela Carrizales as Susan and Emily Etherton as Heidi.

[title of show] at Ghostlight Theatre Club!

Four is apparently my magic number this theatre season in the O to the K to the C.
Fat Pig – 4
Two Rooms – 4
[title of show] – 4
AND… drumroll… I’ve only played one character in EACH SHOW! WHA?? Amazing, I know. AANNDD … … It’s my FIRST Musical in EIGHT YEARS!!! Woot! Break it down now…!
So, I’ve been watching the [title of show] show on YouTube. I know two things: 1) I want to visit NYC and 2) I’m the physical opposite of the real-life person my “character” (Susan) is based on.
She is tall. I am short. She is narrow. I am wide. She is Caucasian. I am Mexican-American.
I’m about as “opposite but in the same arena” as you can get from a person. If we widened the arena to include 87-year-old, short, black men, well then that would probably maximize your polar opposite potential.
Don’t believe me? Take a look:
And now for something TOTALLY different…
But we are both quirky. We are both handsome ladies. I don’t care that much about monkeys but gay men to tend to like me. So, I guess there are parallels.  Of course those parallels look more like this: //
Yes. That was a short joke. Wait for them, they are everywhere in Ghostlight’s [title of show]. Our Hunter? 6’5″.